In 2007, Bollywood enthusiasts witnessed the debut of two promising actors, Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor, in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film "Saawariya."
The film, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s short story "White Nights," was much anticipated due to Bhansali’s reputation for creating visually stunning and emotionally resonant movies
Though "Saawariya" did not achieve commercial success, it marked the beginning of Ranbir and Sonam's careers in the film industry.
More than a decade later, a video clip from the movie’s promotional tour has resurfaced and gone viral, captivating fans and stirring up nostalgia for their early days in Bollywood.
The clip in question captures a light-hearted yet competitive moment between Ranbir and Sonam during the promotions of "Saawariya." In the video, Sonam Kapoor can be seen challenging Ranbir Kapoor in a playful manner.
The nature of the challenge isn't entirely clear from the short clip, but it evidently involves a bet or a deal between the two actors.
The friendly banter and camaraderie they share is palpable, reflecting the rapport they built while working together on their debut film.
When "Saawariya" was released in November 2007, it was positioned as a major event in Bollywood. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, known for his grandiose and operatic style, had set high expectations.