Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results: Back To Coalition Politics: NDA Survives, INDIA Revives

Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results: Back To Coalition Politics: NDA Survives, INDIA Revives

Lok Sabha Election 2024 Results In New Delhi, With the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) hovering around the 300 level, it appears that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will serve a third term. On the other hand, the day belongs to the resurgent opposition, which fared significantly better than the humble expectations that were created by exit … Read more

Considerations Regarding the Election Contest in India in the Year 2024

An Analysis of the Election Contest in India in 2024

In light of the fact that voters in five states have now cast their votes in a series of state assembly elections that have just recently finished, the attention of 1.4 billion Indians, as well as those who are viewing from outside, is now focused on the general elections of the country, which are anticipated … Read more

Modi’s BJP wins 2024 elections, seat share may fall: survey

Modi's BJP wins 2024 elections, seat share may fall: survey

According to the results of an opinion survey conducted on Thursday, the Hindu nationalist party that is now in power in India, which is led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will win the general elections this summer with a large majority. This victory would mean that Modi will have an easy third term in office. … Read more

An Analysis of the Election Contest in India in 2024

An Analysis of the Election Contest in India in 2024

In light of the fact that voters in five states have now cast their votes in a series of state assembly elections that have just recently finished, the attention of 1.4 billion Indians, as well as those who are viewing from outside, is now focused on the general elections of the country, which are anticipated … Read more

400 days until Lok Sabha elections: Why 2024 will be momentous

400 days until Lok Sabha elections Why 2024 will be momentous

With a third term in office, Prime Minister Modi, who has never been defeated in a state or national election, will be elevated to the ranks of India’s most successful prime ministers in terms of the length of their tenure. How likely is it that that proposition is correct?A significant number of us, whenever an … Read more

Successes in state elections provide Modi with a head start for the year 2024.

Successes in state elections provide Modi with a head start for the year 2024.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in a strong position to win the national elections in 2024 as a result of the triumph of the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) in three of the five state election The results of the state elections in India have provided the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and Prime … Read more

India with regard to the upcoming general election in the year 2024

India with regard to the upcoming general election in the year 2024

During the upcoming general elections in India, which will take place in April 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is the leading party in India, are actively campaigning for re-election to a third five-year term. The electorate of India, which is comprised of more than 600 million people, will … Read more

The upcoming elections in India in 2024 could usher in a new political era.

The upcoming elections in India in 2024 could usher in a new political era.

The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), which is led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, appears to be poised for a significant year in 2024. It is anticipated that the BJP would achieve triumph in the national elections, following recent victories in state elections that were won by a broad margin. Increased gross domestic product growth, considerable … Read more

Imphal Congress march: Rahul Gandhi’s Nyay Yatra and 2024 Indian elections.

Rahul Gandhi, a prominent member of the opposition Congress party, has started a 4,163-mile (6,700-kilometer) march across India with only a few months till the general election. It occurs about a year after Mr. Gandhi completed a 4,000-kilometer “unity march” that took him from Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari at the … Read more