Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki has emerged as a clear victor at the global box office, but its momentum has stalled. The picture suffered from uneven word-of-mouth because it lacks long legs and narrowly missed the 500 crore mark. While the theatrical run will end in the coming days, it has already outperformed Ranbir Kapoor’s Brahmastra in terms of lifetime earnings. Keep reading to learn more!
The dramedy, which marks the first collaboration between filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani and Shah Rukh Khan, was released on December 21. Critics gave the film mediocre reviews when it first came out, and the audience responded similarly. Because of the Christmas and New Year celebrations, family audiences went to theaters, and the 200 crores (net) mark was successfully crossed in India. In the international market, SRK’s star power has once again worked its spell.
According to the most recent official data, Dunki grossed 447.70 crores at the worldwide box office in 19 days. It’s a respectable figure, and the picture is already Shah Rukh Khan’s third highest-grossing film of all time, following Jawan and Pathaan. With this collection, Brahmastra’s lifetime gross (430.24 crores) has been surpassed.
The next target is Ayushmann Khurrana’s Andhadhun (453.80 crore gross). Beating War’s gross of 466.82 crores appears to be a challenging feat presently.After delivering historic successes like Pathaan and Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan did not receive a standalone release for his Dunki, which competed with Prabhas’ Salaar. Because of this conflict, both films suffered, and the collection was impacted to some extent.
If the clash had not occurred, the Rajkumar Hirani-directed film would have entered the 500 crore club. In India alone, it might have grossed 300 crores net in a single arrival.
Note: Box office figures are based on estimations from several sources. The numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more box office news. Check out the verdicts for the films released in 2023 here!
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