According to a statement released by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on Thursday, the Central Industrial Security Force will be conducting additional security checks on passengers across all Metro stations beginning on Friday and continuing until January 27.
This development comes in light of the increased security measures that have been implemented in preparation for Republic Day, which will take place on January 26.With this, there is a possibility that there will be lengthy lines at certain Metro stations, particularly during peak hours during this time period,” the message continued.
In light of this, travelers are strongly encouraged to make appropriate preparations for their journey and to provide a certain amount of additional time for their commute on these days. “During the security checks, passengers are kindly requested to cooperate with the security personnel,” the statement went on to say.
In the meantime, due to the preparations and celebrations leading up to Republic Day, airspace restrictions will be implemented in the nation’s capital for a total of eleven days this month.
The airspace will be restricted from the 19th to the 25th of January, as well as on the 26th and 29th of January.
During the period of January 19-25, officials have stated that it will not be possible for non-scheduled flights of scheduled airlines or chartered planes to land or take off between the hours of 10 am and 1.15 pm.
During this time period, there will be no disruptions to flights that are scheduled. These limits would be in effect from six in the morning until nine in the evening, as stated in the notice to airmen (NOTAM) that was issued by the Airports Authority of India (AAI), throughout the period of January 26 to January 29.
Republic Day All Delhi Metro stations will have increased security checks today.